General Limitations

  1. The inspection and this report are furnished based upon the inspector's experience, training, observations and professional opinion. The document was prepared per visual observations of existing conditions at the time of the visit. The client reserves the right to obtain a second opinion by others in the case of questionable or controversial conditions observed or suspected as a result of this inspection.
  2. No warranties or guarantees on any aspects of the structure, its components or the general premises are expressed or implied. The inspector shall not be responsible for any repairs, remedies or replacements of any element s of the property or its contents. Specific remedies, which would require the preparation of detailed methods, sketches, plans and/or specifications, are beyond the realm of this observatory and investigative report.
  3. The inspection and the report thereof have been conducted and prepared, respectively, in conformance with generally accepted home inspection practices.
  4. This service does not constitute a code compliance inspection or an attempt to imitate, duplicate or supersede jurisdictional inspections by a municipality, state or federal agency or other public or quasi-public authority.
  5. This inspection did not include any items which were concealed or otherwise not readily accessible. Items requiring dismantling, use of tools, exploratory excavation or penetrations, dewatering, or other specialized means of uncovering were not inspected. The inspector is not required to remove inspection covers which are not readily accessible, or move walls or stored items, enter restrictive or hazardous spaces, or perform any tests or procedures which could damage or destroy the items being inspected, or which could cause harm to the inspector or others.
  6. The inspector is not responsible for determining the presence of elements which may harbor causes of diseases or reactions in humans or animals. No investigations were made as part of this report f or the presence of, or degree of, asbestos, noxious gases, radon, toxic substances, carcinogenic or malodorous materials or other conditions affecting air quality. In the case of gas-fired heating and domestic water heating equipment, any odors noted are included elsewhere in the body of this report.
  7. Roof systems, including roofing, framing, support, downspouts, rain gutters, flashings, chimney protrusions, soffits, fascia, trim and venting were observed with binoculars from safe vantage points to void damage to the components and to avoid hazards to persons.
  8. No inspections were made for presence of, or damage caused by, termites or other wood-infesting insects or organisms, except that same may be noted as being contributory to certain structural damage, along with such conditions as wet or dry ort, if applicable, and documented elsewhere in this report.
  9. No tests or observations were made of conditions relating to on-site municipal sewer drains and water systems serving the premises, other than to make comment on visual checks or breakage or leaks.
  10. Fireplaces, solid fuel stoves, space heaters and solar heating devices, when found present, were not operated or internally inspected, serviced or cleaned.
  11. Chimneys and flues, when present, were observed externally for structural distress or fire/ smoke damage. No internal inspections, cleaning or repairs were made.
  12. Safety: The inspector will not check any area that poses a threat to safety. Steep, slippery, or brittle roofs are not walked, attics with insulation that prevents safe footing are not traversed, suspicious equipment is not operated, etc.
  13. Hidden Damages & Conditions: We will not be able to find things that are out of view or concealed. Recently painted surfaces may hide clues, etc. We are not at liberty to:
    • Perform destructive or disruptive testing or assessments.
    • Lift carpets, remove ceiling panels, insulation, vapor barriers, etc.
    • Move appliances, clothing, and furniture, heavy, delicate or personal items.
    • Check mechanical equipment during inappropriate weather.
  14. Personal Risk Assessment: You really must assess risks yourself. Different people view problems and risks differently. An inspector will never be able to assess the risks for you. Problems that would be of little concern to one person may loom large for another. For this reason, major problems are defined as those which generally cost $500.00 or more to repair or which constitute a serious safety risk to a reasonable person. A serious risk is one which presents a clear and present danger, rather than anything which might result in harm or which could have a negative health affect over time.
  15. Equipment/Installations: Ages are guessed and installations are not checked against manufacturer’s re commendations. Only those utilities actually listed are presumed to exist.
  16. Public Records: This inspection concerns the on-site physical property only. No checks are made for such things as: Public records; traffic density; noise; odors; building value appraisal; zoning ordinance conformance; warranty or transfer disclosure; contract; etc.
  17. Codes: No check is made for building/housing code conformance. Such codes are normally guides applicable during construction to be executed by duly authorized personnel to interpret and site as per their judgment. There is often wide variance in jurisdictions, changes over time, and judgmental differences. Your inspector is not an authorized code official unless otherwise specified. Check all amateur work with local authorities.
  18. Engineering/Architecture Work: No engineering, architectural, or other such licensed work will be performed. This includes geological or structural hazards, site or engineering analysis, etc.
  19. Environmental: The following are beyond the scope of the standard visual inspection/survey: environmental hazards, water and air quality, toxic or allergenic, etc.
  20. Weather Restrictions: The weather will impact the inspection usually with a mix of pluses and minuses. Really cold weather presents a challenge to heating systems but prevents operation of air conditioning equipment while really hot weather can do the opposite. Rainy weather usually can make it easier to spot leaking roofs and basements. Snow can obscure roofing, landscaping, driveways, etc. Unfortunately, the inspection company will not be able to return to check the property during alternate weather. This is something you should definitely do prior to taking legal acceptance.